Cultural Excursions and Recreation

Past Cultures and History in Stone

Our research site for monkeys, the Polonnaruwa Nature Sanctuary, is also an Archeological Reserve and one corner-stone of the much visited “Cultural Triangle” in Sri Lanka. Polonnaruwa was once the ancient capital of Sri Lanka (9th to 12th centuries) and itself has some of the most impressive ruins of irrigation systems, temples and palaces in South Asia. It is also a convenient location from which to visit other famous sites, such as Sigiriya, Dambulla, and Anuradhapura.

Photo: Barney Wilczak

Photo: Barney Wilczak

Religion, power and politics in ancient Polonnaruwa

The ruins of temples and palaces from the 9th to 12thcentury at our study site (Archaeological and Nature Reserve) attest that Polonnaruwa was the ancient capital of Sri Lanka. It was the royal powerbase for the construction of impressive irrigation works, a center for learning, and headquarters for the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Mr. Sunil Gunathilake, a keen student of local history, will walk and talk you through the remnants that attest to the turmoil of these ancient times.

Ancient irrigation systems

Photo: Palitha Handunge

Photo: Palitha Handunge

The ancient kings of Sri Lanka had a grand vision of tapping and diverting the island’s rivers for the cultivation of rice and the economic development of their civilization. Their engineers designed remarkable systems for irrigation, easily competing with the engineering feats in stone of the Egyptians and Romans. These ancient structures, in large part, are still in use today and can be examined within easy reach of our Research Station. (half day):

Tours of Sygiriya and Dambulla

The famous rock fortress and palace at Sigiriya, and the Buddhist rock caves at Dambulla are about 90 minutes by car from Polonnaruwa. (full day)



Leisure and Other Recreation


The road atop of the bund (dam) for the lake, and the lake-bed itself, have comfortable paths for walking, jogging or cycling.  The trails offer you easy sightings of a variety of birds typical of grassland, shores and open water.  The lake-bed by our station also  is a ready-made playing field for cricket or football. The lake at our doorstep is safe for swimming, and there is a pool (and bars) in nearby hotels (10 min walk).

